
Who I am
The complex = not human friendly
Information is not enough.
Mornings are not my thing...
Spending many years with patients and healthcare professionals revealed that people don’t understand most information, especially when it’s complex.
It ends up at the bottom of a bag, forgotten on a desktop, or used in a sad attempt to wipe up spilled coffee…
Because what keeps me up at night is massive knowledge gaps in complex but important industries like healthcare.
Most complex information is NOT designed to be engaging or intuitively understood by the normal person.
When important things are complex and boring, you don’t want to understand them, you just want to be told how to fix them.
Having this plaguing thought (and the accumulation of dark circles), pivoted me into the UX world. I realised what I’ve been anguishing over, is all about the UX. I was crazy about improving experiences even before I knew about it!
Improving lives, one sleep at a time!
Healthcare is what brought me into UXing but there are so many equally challenging problems in the world that require some (or alot) of UX love to help people enjoy them at their full potential! My calling lies in improving lives by transforming information into empathetic, intuitive and also fun experiences!
You might ask, so what gets me up in the morning?
Exploring nature trails and hikes to explore the unfamiliar.
Admiring the sky because it reminds me to look at the bigger picture
Being a bookworm because I love learning something new every day!
Eating lots of yummy food to keep my brain stimulated with ideas
Stalking dogs because…well who doesn’t love dogs!